The Violets of Amicus™

If you have been following along, you’ll recall that about a year ago we shared some bad news about the game name and our business name.  Well, if you couldn’t tell by today’s title, we are now able to rectify that post by revealing the updated name of the game: The Violets of Amicus™!

This project has had its ups and downs, and last year around this time was definitely a valley.  But today we stand atop of a mountain, proud of what we’ve accomplished so far, and excited for what’s to come!

February 2025 will mark the launch of our Kickstarter to fund the rest of our project.  To get there, we have a good amount of work ahead of us, but nothing that our team can’t tackle.  What we need is support and dedicated folks such as yourself to help get the word out to the masses.  A good start would be to direct people to this website!  Explain to them that The Violets of Amicus™ will be an action / adventure game similar to that of traditional 2D Zelda games.

The anticipated release of our demo is December of 2024, or January of 2025, available on Steam for Windows and Mac.  We plan to have a stand alone demo available as well (i.e. not through Steam), with some helpful guides for installation.  We also have a rough cut of the trailer complete, but this trailer will have to wait to be seen until the public demo is available.  We promise it will be worth the wait!

We Need YOUR Help

This project will only be successful if YOU help share it with others.  In the upcoming months, we are going to be hitting the social media platforms and getting pages/channels/etc. added.  When these are added, please like/follow/share with those you think will be interested in this project.  The more eyes on this, the better chances we have of being successful!

For those who have followed along and have helped contribute, whether with game assets, testing, or simply being supportive, THANK YOU!  We couldn’t do this without your support!

The Violets of Amicus™

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